This page uses data from the Miitopia Param Info spreadsheet, compiled by PibPasquale, Kobazco, and UglyFrenchFry.

Official artwork depicting a bemused Cleric looking at a Warrior aged up with the Aging status effect.
Status effects are conditions which affect both Mii characters and enemies in different ways. Effects can turn the tide of battle and many skills can inflict them. In the Nintendo Switch version, all status effects except "Aging," "Gleeful," and "Vacancy" block the horse from performing offense-based assists with the affected Mii, though certain ones can be removed before the affected Mii can take an action if the Neigh assist is triggered.
Some effects cast from enemies can be blocked by the Scientist's Safety Mask or the Princess's Blindfold, as well as the Cool Mii's Indifference quirk or the Laid-back Mii's Nah... quirk, unless the effect also causes damage. Bosses in general are immune to most negative status effects. A guest party member accompanying the party temporarily cannot be afflicted by any status effects as they are never legitimate targets in battle.
By default, all battlers are in a "Normal" state. Mii characters have a limited amount of effects they can deal, but enemies have many to pick from. Only one status effect can be active on any target at the same time and the current status will either block others or be replaced by them. However, there are a few similar effects that fall outside of that rule (Shield Sprinkles, Vampire's Enthrall).
If a Mii with a status effect is placed in the Safe Spot, almost every status effect, even beneficial, is removed when they take their next turn to rest. Certain status effects can be overwritten with another, like an "Excited" Mii being able to become "Gleeful" and vice versa. The knocked out state, whether from complete HP loss or instant KOs, overwrites other statuses altogether if it is applied.
In addition, no status effect persists after battle, though most will visually persist onto the victory screen. Knocked out Mii characters will be revived with 1 HP.
Note that some exploration events may result in a number of Miis with a status effect when a battle starts.
The following status effects are listed by their listing order in game code, not counting the Normal status.

A Mii with the Angry status (いかり Ikari; Angry) will show an enraged expression with narrowed white eyes and puffs of steam blowing out of their head while stomping the ground. This enables the Mii to perform an additional action per turn, but is restricted to damage-focused skills. If the Hero is affected by this status, the player will not be able to manually select any command upon their turn. This status lasts for 1 turn.
This status is emotion-based, and can overwrite other emotion-based statuses like the Gleeful status. It also speeds up the battle music, with higher speed the more Mii characters are affected by this status.
From the player side, the Flower can induce this on their ally using the skill Flower Power. The Avenge Assist can result in an Angry status if the Mii performing it is Energetic, Stubborn, or Cool. The Angry Quarrel inflicts this on the Mii that activates it.
From the enemy side, the Red Goblin, Elite Goblin, and all Turkey-type monsters have a skill that inflicts the Angry status. Though the skill only targets one Mii, the effect may spread to other Mii characters in the party if it lands.

A Mii with the Laugh status (笑い Warai; Laugh) will laugh uncontrollably in place while holding their stomach. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn. This status lasts for 1 turn.
This status is emotion-based, and can overwrite other emotion-based statuses like the Gleeful status. It also speeds up the battle music, with higher speed the more Mii characters are affected by this status.
Enemies that can inflict the Laugh status include the Smileshroom and all Skulleton variants, with the Mecha and Devilish variants targeting the entire party.

A Mii with the Terror status (きょうふ Kyoufu; Fear/Terror) will shiver in place in fear, emphasized by their tightly shut eyes and purple jagged lines around the Mii, while holding their weapon closely. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn. This status lasts for 1 turn.
This status is emotion-based, and can overwrite other emotion-based statuses like the Gleeful status.
Enemies that can inflict the Terror status include the "Traveler" Hammer and all Dragon variants. The Griffin's single-target special skill may inflict the Terror status if it shows the Griffin with a "scary face" (otherwise it induces the Cry status instead). Other than that, certain scenarios can cause a Mii to enter battle with the Terror status active, which are the tall grass event if the outcome results in a monster encounter (the Mii involved will be afflicted), and the camp's stargazing mini-game if the player picks monsters as their wish.

A Mii with the Cry status (泣き Naki; Crying) will gush a large amount of tears from their eyes from heavy crying. The affected Mii's basic attack will have a 30% chance of missing, thus inflicting no damage on the intended target. If the Hero is affected by this status, the player will not be able to manually select any command upon their turn, leaving the Hero to perform a random action if the player leaves them be. This status lasts for 3 turns.
This status is emotion-based, and can overwrite other emotion-based statuses like the Gleeful status. When inflicted, the music is distorted to make it sadder.
From the player side, the Cry status can be inflicted on a Mii performing the Avenge Assist, but only if the Mii is Kind, Cautious, or Airheaded.
From the enemy side, Banshees are the first enemies the player encounters that can inflict the Cry status. The Griffin's single-target special skill may inflict the Cry status if it shows the Griffin "crying crocodile tears" (otherwise it induces the Terror status instead). Both the Ghost Mallet and the Heavy Hammer have a damaging attack, indicated by the Mii eyes on their weapon crying, that causes the Cry status if it successfully hits. One of the possible effects from the Boss Snurp's Random All skill is the Cry status.

A Mii with the Excite status (こうふん Koufun; Excitement) will move erratically complete with widened eyes, steam coming out of their nose, and a wide grin, as if in an intense rush. The affected Mii can only perform basic attacks, albeit with 3x damage. If the Hero is affected by this status, the player will not be able to manually select any command upon their turn, leaving their targeting decision with the AI if the attack is single-target. This status lasts for 2 turns if a Mii is inflicted by Hyper Sprinkles, or 1 turn if inflicted by a skill used by Excite-type monsters.
This status is emotion-based, and can overwrite other emotion-based statuses like the Gleeful status. It also speeds up the battle music, with higher speed the more Mii characters are affected by this status.
From the player side, the player can use the Hyper Sprinkles to induce the Excite status on a party member. The Imp job has the Charm skill that allows the user the inflict this on an ally while also restoring said ally's MP. A Pop Star Hero can induce the Excite status on their allies via Horse-Whispering Pop Star.
From the enemy side, the Lureshroom and the Donnut Touchshroom have a skill that can inflict the Excite status, with the latter enemy targeting the entire party. All Excite-type monsters also share the gimmick of inflicting the Excite status as their special skill. One of the possible effects from the Boss Snurp's Random All skill is the Excite status.

A Mii with the Spite status (イジワル Ijiwaru; Malicious) will hunch over and grin evilly with black-and-red eyes, enshrouded in dark aura. A Spiteful Mii will not be able to take any action during their turn, but any non-guest ally about to perform an action will have a 50% chance to be tripped by the Spiteful Mii, skipping said ally's turn and causing them to raise hate towards the offending Mii. This status lasts for 3 turns.
Enemies that can inflict the Spite status include the Imp, the Naughty Imp, the Bansheevil, and all Queen variants.

A Mii with the Anxious status (不安 Fuan; Anxiety) will drop down in despair with sad eyes. An Anxious Mii will not be able to take any action during their turn, but any non-guest ally about to perform an action will have a 50% chance to be interrupted by the Anxious Mii, skipping said ally's turn and rewarding 1 relationship EXP between the Anxious Mii and the interrupted ally. This status lasts for 1 turn.
Only Demon-type monsters can inflict the Anxious status. All Demons except for "Mii" Demon have their special skill target the whole party.

A Mii with the Vacancy status (うわのそら Uwanosora; Absent-mindedness) will gaze up blankly as if daydreaming, looking completely scatterbrained. Damage taken by the affected Mii from attacks is multiplied by 1.5. This status lasts for 3 turns.
This status can be overwritten by another status effect.
From the player side, this can be done via the Imp's Sweet Whispers or the Princess' Eau de Cologne. The Hero can inflict this status on enemies using Horse-Whispering Princess.
From the enemy side, the "Mii" Owl and the Wizened Owl are the only enemies that can inflict the Vacancy status, the former targeting a single Mii and the latter targeting the whole party.

A Mii with the Gleeful status (上きげん Jōkigen; Good mood) will look joyful. A Gleeful Mii will have their performance boosted by 2x, meaning they will inflict double damage, take half damage, and has doubled Speed, allowing them to perform actions early in the current round. This status lasts for 3 turns.
This status is emotion-based, and can overwrite other emotion-based statuses like the Excite status. Unlike other status effects, the Gleeful status doesn't get cured in the safe spot.
The Gleeful status can only be induced by the Mii characters. The Praise Assist, if triggered, will inflict the praised Mii with the Gleeful status. The Nintendo Switch version adds more ways to induce the Gleeful status via the Horse Whispering Assist, which is only applicable if the Hero is a Princess or a Flower.

A Mii with the Cranky status (ふきげん Fukigen; Bad mood) will frown in bad mood, emphasized by three sharp-edged, jagged blue lines above one side of their head. A Cranky Mii will inflict either double or half their normal damage.
The Cranky status does not go away on its own unless the Mii with this status forgives the offending Mii in a quarrel during the battle, if a Warrior uses Snap Out of It, if a Cleric uses Calm, if the Horse uses the Neigh assist, or if the player uses Hyper Sprinkles on them.
The Cranky status is the result of the Moody Quarrel activating on one of the quarreling Mii characters.

A Mii with the Sleep status (眠る Nemuru; Sleep) naps mid-battle. The Sleeping Mii will heal 50% of their max HP, at the cost of the ability to take any action for 1 turn. The Sleep status can be removed outside of Safe Spot by having the Sleeping Mii take damage.
The Sleep status cannot be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
The Sleep status is mostly induced by the player side. A Mage can put an ally to sleep using Sleep Tight. An Airheaded Mii's Sleepyhead quirk, if triggered, can put said Mii to sleep. The only other cause of the Sleep status is from the "yawn" map event if the outcome results in three party members falling asleep, causing a battle to trigger and thus the player's entire party (except the one not sleeping) to start the fight with the Sleep status.

A Mii with the Nightmare status (悪夢 Akumu; Nightmare) sleeps mid-battle, but unlike the sleep status, the affected Mii appears terrified with purple "Z"s instead of blue. A Mii with this status will take damage equal to about 20% of their max HP at their turn, in addition to being unable to perform any action. The Nightmare status does not go away on its own, but it can be removed outside of Safe Spot by having the affected Mii take damage.
The Nightmare status can not be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
A variety of monsters can induce the Nightmare status, consisting of all Cerberus variants, the Owlet, all Dark Lord variants, both "Great Sage", the Darkest Lord and the Dark Sun, and the Boss Snurp.

A Mii with the Dance status (踊り Odori; Dance) will dance in place against their will. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn. This status lasts for 1 turn, and will speed up the battle music, with higher speed the more Mii characters are affected by this status.
Non-boss enemies can also be afflicted by the Dance status via the Pop Star's Earworm and Horse-Whispering Pop Star, the Princess' Regal Dance, and the Elf's Dancing Arrow. The Youngest Fab Fairy, one of the guest party members, may use Dancing Arrow to inflict the Dance status on an enemy.
The Dance status cannot be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
The Tarantula is the only enemy that can inflict the Dance status on Mii characters.

A Mii with the Puppet status (操られ Ayatsura re; Manipulated) will be held in place like a marionette. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn. This status lasts for 1 turn.
The Puppet status can not be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
All Puppet variants are capable of inducing the Puppet status on Mii characters.

A Mii with the Aging status (老化 Rouka; Aging) has their hair, eyebrows and facial hair turn gray, face gain wrinkles, will not stop complaining about what they would do to be young again, and leans on their weapon like a cane. Attack power and defense power are halved. If the Mii is wearing a wig, it will not change.
The Aging status does not go away on its own, nor can it be overwritten by another status.
All Alien variants are capable of inducing the Aging status on Mii characters. One of the possible effects from the Boss Snurp's Random All skill is the Aging status.

A Mii with the Burn status (やけど Yakedo; Burn) is shown with their backside on fire. A Mii with this status will take damage equal to about 20% of their max HP at their turn, but can still perform actions. This status lasts for 3 turns.
The Burn status also speeds up the battle music, with higher speed the more Mii characters are affected by this status. The Burn status also cannot be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
The Flaming Wind is the only enemy that can inflict the Burn status.

A Mii with the Eat status (食べられる Taberareru; Eaten) is kept inside the enemy that ate them. In addition to the affected Mii being unable to perform actions, the player will not be able to use the Sprinkles or the Safe Spot on said Mii until the effect wears. This status lasts for 1 turn, but the affected Mii can be freed earlier by having another Mii defeat the monster that ate them.
The Eat status overwrites any emotion-based status effects that the affected Mii may have, and they will return to a normal state once the status wears off.
Monsters that can eat Mii characters include the Mars Mii Trap, the Venus Mii Trap, and all Burger variants.

A Mii with the Faceless status (のっぺら Noppera; Faceless) loses their face to one of the Imps that the Dark Lord summons in his fight. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn and is treated as a defeated Mii until it wears off. As a result, if the only party members left conscious are Faceless Mii characters, the battle is considered lost. This status can not be removed whatsoever, not even with the Safe Spot. The player has to defeat the Imp with the corresponding ally's face to restore them back to normal.
As the Faceless status is tied to the Dark Lord's ability, this status can only be seen in that fight.

A Mii with the Pharaoh status (ファラオ Pharaoh) has their eyes become pharaoh-like (with the eyelash colors corresponding to the Mii's favorite color) and gains a headdress matching the Pharaoh that inflicted the status. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn, unless they has at least one HP Banana, in which case the Mii offers it to the Pharaoh that inflicted the Mii with the status to restore its HP. This status lasts for 3 turns.
The Pharaoh status can not be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
All Pharaoh variants are capable of inducing the Pharaoh status on Mii characters.
A Mii with the Spider status (コグモづけ Kogumozuke; Covered in small spiders) will be infested by small spiders dangling around them, terrifying them. The affected Mii may not move and will take damage equal to about 20% of their max HP from them. The Spider status does not go away on its own.
The Spider status can not be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
The Arachno"Mii" is the only enemy that can inflict the Spider status.

A Mii with the Stone status (石化 Sekka; Petrification) will appear as a gray statue version of themself. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn. This status lasts for 1 turn.
The Stone status can not be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
All Medusa variants are capable of inducing the Stone status on Mii characters. One of the possible effects from the Boss Snurp's Random All skill is the Stone status.
A Stone Mii can be affected by a Laid-back Mii's Hide, causing them to talk when they should not.

A Mii with the Ice status (氷漬け Koorizuke; Covered in ice) appears as a frozen version of themself. The affected Mii will not be able to take any action upon their turn. This status lasts for 1 turn.
The Ice status can not be overwritten by another status until it wears off.
The Yeti is the only enemy that can inflict the Ice status.

A Mii with the Blow status (吹き飛び Fukitobi; Blown away) is completely absent from the battle for 2 turns due to being blown away. This reduces the number of battlers on the player's side. Up to 3 Mii characters can be blown away, and if the last Mii on the field gets knocked out while the other Mii characters are blown away it will result in a defeat and the battle lost. If there is only a single Mii in the party that enters the battle, enemies will never blow them away.
The Blow status can only be waited out, as the affected Mii is basically unavailable to be interacted with until the 2 turns are up.
All Harpy variants and "Traveler" Wind are capable of blowing away Mii characters.
Other Statuses[]
The following lists other status effects not grouped with the main battle feelings listed above. The status names are mostly conjectural, usually based on the associated battle message.
- Barrier: The target gains a green barrier which doubles defense. The barrier persists even through death until the end of battle. Can only be removed by Shield Sprinkles and the Juvenile Snurp's Crash Attack. A Mii can gain this from an Elf's Forest Aegis or, as a Mage, the Barrier skill.
- Finisher: The target takes fatal damage from a Cautious Mii's Finisher quirk (disguised behind the "Finisher!" pop-up), enough to deplete its HP to 0.
- Kill: The target is instantly knocked out regardless of HP, without any numerical damage involved. From the player side, the Cleric, Chef, and Imp jobs can inflict this on enemies using Righteous Anger, Monster Dinner, and Demonic Whisper, respectively, with a "Begone" quote. If one doesn't count any of the Fiend variants, the Scary Scorpion and the Metal Scorpion are the only monsters that can inflict this, albeit with a "Sayonara" quote. Bosses cannot get instantly one-hit KO'd.
- Knocked out: The target faints (Mii) or dies (enemy). A defeated Mii's turn is always skipped (unless a Vampire uses Revive or a Mii is revived by Enthrall). If all of the Mii characters in the party are defeated, the player will lose the battle. Afterward, the Mii characters will flee and leave the stage. If all enemies are dead, the battle is won. A fainted Mii cannot be revived with the Safe Spot; only revival skills, some assists, and Life Sprinkles will work. If a Mii is knocked out, there is a chance they can be revived with the Resurgence assist or the Vampire's Revive.
- Shield: The Mii is protected from a single instance of damage using the Shield Sprinkles. Does not protect them from damage induced by certain status ailments. Attacks that forcefully reduce the target Mii's HP to 1 bypass this protection while still breaking it. A shield can also be removed if a barrier from either Barrier or Forest Aegis is applied instead.
- Weapon eaten: The target temporarily loses all the stats given by their weapon and is unable to use skills, including auto ones. The monster that stole the weapon will give the weapon back after a few turns or when defeated. All Mummy-type monsters are capable of stealing weapons.
- Zombify: The Mii gains one charge of automatic revival from a Vampire's Enthrall. The revival effect will work similarly to the Vampire's Revive auto skill. This effect will only wear off either after the auto-revive kicks in or when the battle is over.
Flavor Text[]
- <Mii> is Angry at <enemy>! (Angry)
- <Mii> can't stop laughing! (Laugh)
- Legs turned to jelly! (US) / <Mii>'s legs turned to jelly! (EU) (Terror)
- <Mii> is crying profusely! (Cry)
- Losing control! (US) / <Mii> lost control of himself/herself! (EU) (Excite)
- Getting mean! (US) / <Mii> is feeling mean! (EU) (Spite)
- <Mii> got nervous! (Anxious)
- Zoned out! (Vacancy, player's side)
- <Enemy> is feeling calm. (Vacancy, enemy's side)
- Touched by <ally>'s praise! (US) / Chuffed by kind words by <ally>! (EU) (Gleeful)
- <Mii> is so mad at <ally>. (Cranky)
- Sleeping! (Sleep)
- <Mii> was lulled into a Nightmare! (Nightmare)
- <Mii> is dancing in a trance! (Dance)
- <Mii> is being controlled like a Puppet! (Puppet)
- <Mii> got old! (Aging)
- Bottom got burned! (Burn)
- <Mii> is inside <enemy>! (Eat)
- <Mii>'s face was stolen! (Faceless)
- Caught by Pharaoh's curse! (Pharaoh)
- <Mii> was covered in spiders! (Spider)
- <Mii> was turned to stone! (Stone)
- Turned to ice! (US) / <Mii> turned to ice! (EU) (Ice)
- Blown away! (Blow)
Other Flavor Text[]
- Angry because... Angry! (US) / Anger provoked! (EU) (when anger spreads to another Mii)
- Burning rage! (Angry Mii's turn caused by the Angry Quarrel or Flower Power)
- <Mii> (just) can't let it go! (Angry Mii's turn)
- Excited! (US) / He's/She's bewitched! (EU) (when Excite is triggered by an Imp using Charm)
- <Mii> is on fire. (Burned Mii's turn)
- <Mii> is in a bad mood. (Cranky Mii prior to performing an action, lashing out)
- <Mii> is lashing out! (Cranky Mii during an action, lashing out)
- <Mii> can't be bothered. (Cranky Mii prior to performing an action, half-hearted)
- <Mii> gave a half-hearted try. (Cranky Mii during an action, half-hearted)
- <Mii> can't see for the tears! (Crying Mii's turn)
- <Enemy> is dancing in a trance! (Dance status applied to the enemy)
- <Enemy> is dancing harder! (Dance status reapplied to the enemy)
- Flustered. (US) / <Mii> is discombobulated. (EU) (Faceless Mii's turn)
- <Mii> can't stop laughing! (Laughing Mii's turn)
- Rolling in the aisles! (Laugh status reapplied to a Mii)
- Having a Nightmare. (Nightmare status during the Mii's turn)
- <Mii> was rudely awakened! (Nightmare/Sleep status removed by taking damage)
- <Mii> is cursed. (Pharaoh Mii's turn)
- Plotting something... (US) / <Mii> is acting mischievous. (EU) (Spiteful Mii's turn)
- <Mii> tripped 'em up! (Spiteful Mii tripping an ally)
- <Mii> is frozen solid. (frozen Mii's turn)
- <Mii> is doddering. (aged Mii's turn)
- <Mii> is not amused. (Laugh status fails to be inflicted)
- Not scared at all! (Terror status fails to be inflicted)
- <Mii> is unmoved. (Cry status fails to be inflicted)
- <Mii> isn't affected. (Excite status fails to be inflicted)
- Not affected. (Spite status fails to be inflicted)
- <Mii> has nerves of steel. (Anxious status fails to be inflicted)
- <Mii> kept it together. (Vacancy status fails to be inflicted)
- <Mii> powered through. (Nightmare status fails to be inflicted)
- Resisted. / Not affected. (Puppet status fails to be inflicted)
- <Mii> already feels weird! (Hit by Boss Snurp's Random All skill while still having status effect from it)
Flavor Text When Worn Off[]
- Anger subsided. (Angry)
- <Mii> stopped laughing! (Laugh)
- <Mii> stopped shaking! (Terror)
- Stopped crying! (Cry)
- The Excitement subsided! (Excite)
- Shook off the bad behaviour. (Spite)
- Not so nervous! (Anxious)
- <Mii> came to their senses! (Vacancy, player's side)
- <Enemy>'s guard is back up. (US) / <Enemy> came round. (EU) (Vacancy, enemy's side)
- <Mii> calmed down. (Gleeful)
- <Mii> cheered up. (Cranky)
- <Mii> woke up! (Sleep)
- Woke up from the Nightmare. (Nightmare)
- <Mii> was rudely awakened! (Sleep or Nightmare, if the Mii was attacked)
- Stopped dancing. (Dance)
- Free again. (Puppet)
- Young again! (Aging)
- Flames extinguished. (Burn)
- <Enemy> spat out its catch! (Eat)
- Curse lifted. (Pharaoh)
- Shook off little spiders. (Spider)
- <Mii>'s body loosened up! (Stone)
- Ice thawed. (US) / <Mii> thawed out. (EU) (Ice)
- Got weapon back! (weapon stolen)
Mii's Quote When Inflicted[]
- *cough cough* (Aging)
- Hmph! (Angry)
- This is it! (Anxious)
- Wheeeee! (Blow)
- Yeowch! (Burn)
- Now you've done it! (Cranky)
- Boo hoo! (Cry)
- What's that now? (Dance)
- Wah! (Eat)
- Yee-haw! (Excite)
- ... (Faceless)
- Wow! (Gleeful)
- Pffft! (Laugh)
- Yikes! (Nightmare/Terror)
- I. Am. Pharaoh. (Pharaoh)
- Oof, no! (Puppet)
- *yawn* (Sleep)
- Agh! I don't like spiders! (Spider)
- *grin* (Spite)
- *shiver* (Terror)
- Ah... Aha... (Vacancy)
Mii's Quote When Status Effect is Active[]
- Oh, to be young again! (US)/What I’d give to be young again… (EU) (Aging)
- Ow-ow-ow! (Burn)
- Yay! (Dance)
- Such nice weather... / Wonder what's for dinner... (Vacancy)
- Haw haw! (Laugh)
- I. Am. Pharaoh. (Pharaoh)
- Allow me, Your Magnificence! (Pharaoh, offering HP Banana)
- I can't move. (Puppet)
Mii's Quote When Status Effect Worn Off[]
- Good morning! (Sleep)
- Whew! Just a dream. (Nightmare)
- Extinguished... (Burn)
- Thank goodness… (Faceless)
- Oh, I can move again. (Stone)
- That was cold... (US) / Brrr, finally. (EU) (Ice)
Battle Music[]
- The Angry, Excite, Burn, Dance and Laugh conditions all speed up the battle music depending on how many Mii characters are affected by it. If a Mii with one of these conditions change to the Gleeful condition, the music will not go down in speed until the Mii calms down or gets knocked out.
- The Cry, Aging and Cranky status effects will distort the battle music.
- If a Mii under the Spite condition trips up an ally or an Anxious Mii tells another ally to not go, they will always approach the ally from the left side of the screen no matter where they actually are.
- A Mii under the Dance condition will use the same dancing animation as Goblin-type monsters.
- The last Mii to get knocked out during a battle before the battle is lost will have a slightly slower falling animation than the others to draw out the moment.
- Teammates and guest party members will react when a Mii is afflicted with a status effect. For example, they will show a dejected face when a Mii gets the Cry or Cranky status effects, or they will be surprised when a Mii is Blown or Eaten.
- After a skill that inflicts the Stone or Ice status effect, Miis will turn to stare at the afflicted Mii before the status effect is applied.
- A Mii with the Stone status effect will be freed once the victory animation plays.
- If a Mii with the Cranky condition manages to defeat a monster, their victory message will sometimes be, "Hmph. Whatever."
- A Mii that wakes up from the Sleep condition will say "Good morning!" regardless of the actual time.
- When exiting the Sprinkles or Safe Spot menu and there are Miis with status effects such as Cry or Excite, their dialogue will be based on their personality. Some status effects have certain dialogue that is based on the afflicted Mii's personality.
Skill Interactions[]
- If a Mii protects another Mii with Sacrifice, it is still possible for the Mii they are protecting to get the status effect, at least Cry or Angry.
- If all Mii characters in a party have either the Faceless or Blow conditions, the battle is counted as an automatic loss. The same thing happens if multiple Mii characters are Faceless while others are Blown. However, this can never happen during normal gameplay.
- The Safe Spot does not remove the Gleeful status effect.
- If there are any Miis with the Eat or Blow status effects, and the rest of the team is either knocked out, or unavailable to be interacted with, the enemy's turn is deliberately skipped until a Mii is revived or returns to the battlefield.
- A Mii with the Stone or Ice status effect cannot benefit from a Pop Star's Love Song.
- When the Mii is about to attack a monster who swallowed another Mii, they will say "Give them back!" before action. If the attacker has a Quarrel with swallowed Mii, they won't say this quote.
- If an Airheaded Mii uses Frolic on an enemy who has the Dance status effect applied, the latter will override the former, but the Airheaded Mii's Frolic animation will still remain.
- It is possible to actively override Mii's emotional status condition with Hyper Sprinkle and skill that applies another status condition, such as Mage's Sleep Tight.
- The enemy that can cause the most status effects is the Boss Snurp, with the ability to give 5 different effects (Nightmare, Aging, Excite, Stone, Cry).
- The job that can cause the most status effects is the Princess in the Nintendo Switch version, with the ability to give 3 different effects (Dance, Vacancy, Gleeful).
- In the 3DS version, the Princess is tied with the Imp for causing the most status effects, at 2.
- The Cleric and the Flower have a skill that can neutralize negative status effects for the party. The Cat has a similar skill, but can only target self.
- The Pharaoh status effect is implied to be some sort of hypnosis. However, Miis with the curse still respond normally when another Mii performs a skill towards them.
- The internal name for Status Effect is "Battle Feeling".
Main article: Status Effect/Gallery