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Miitopia Wiki
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This article contains major in-game spoilers.

This page is used to sort monsters by their category. Click here to go back to the original Monsters page listing all monsters or here for the "Category" page listing all pages.

Note: This page is currently in progress. Once it is complete, it is appropriate for uses such as updating pages of Monsters themselves, particularly in their 'See Also' sections. When adding new entries, please ensure that, if the monster is only found in quests, Ranks are used instead of the "low-/mid-/high-level quest" terms.


Expand to see the full list of Aliens
No. Image Name Location
150 Alien Alien Otherworld
170 Alien Traveler Alien "Traveler" Galados Isle **Quest**
186 Super Alien Enemy Super Alien 2nd District (New Lumos)

Level 29-34 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Armors
No. Image Name Location
088 Armor "Teammate" Armor Armory (Karkaton)

Postgame: Rank IV (Level 32-34)

118 Cursed Armor Cursed Armor Eerie Road (Peculia)

Sterile Plant 2.0 (Level 26-28 Quests)

195 Calamitous Armor Calamitous Armor 3rd District (New Lumos)

Level 32-40 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Banshees :
No. Image Name Location
009 BansheeHQ Banshee Riverdeep Cavern (Greenhorne)
055 Bansheevil Bansheevil Bigg Forest (Realm of the Fey)
094 Ice Maiden Ice Maiden Ghontu Waste (Powdered Peaks)

Level 23-28 Quests

134 BansheeBrainbox Banshee Brainbox The Sky Scraper


Expand to see the full list of Bombs
No. Image Name Location
078 Bomb-0 Bomb Karkaton

Armory (Karkaton)

143 Dangerous Bomb Dangerous Bomb The Sky Scraper
196 Very Dangerous Bomb Enemy Very Dangerous Bomb 3rd District (New Lumos)

Level 32-40 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Bread
No. Image Name Location
103 Bread Bread Peculia

Eerie Road (Peculia)

191 Mii Bread "Traveler" Bread Quest: Rank III (Level 29-31)

Rank IV (Level 32-34) Rank X (Level 50)

217 Ham Sandwitch Art Ham Sandwich Uncharted Galados

5th & 6th District (New Lumos)

Quests - Level 41-46, Level 50


Expand to see the full list of Burgers
No. Image Name Location
108 Hamburger official artwork switch Hamburger Peculia
190 Hamburger Surprise Enemy Hamburger Surprise 4th District (New Lumos)

Eerie Road (Peculia) (Youngest Fab Fairy's level 32 quest) Boss: Rank III (Level 29-31) Quests - Level 35-43

225 Extra spicy burger Extra Spicy Burger Quest: Rank X (Level 50)

Peculia (Youngest Fab Fairy's level 44 quest) Boss: Rank VII (Level 44-46 quests)

256 256TopBurgerNoBG Gourmet Burger (US) Top Burger (EU) Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

5th Floor (US)/4th Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Butterflies :
No. Image Name Location
002 Rock moth official artwork Rock Moth Easin Hills (Greenhorne)
004 ButterflyTRUEHQ Butterfly "Carefree Guide"


Easin Hills (Greenhorne)

Postgame: Rank VI (Level 38-40)

013 Poison Moth Poison Moth Arid Frontier (Greenhorne)
029 029JadeButterfly-removebg-preview Jade Butterfly Wetland Way (Neksdor)
068 Rainbutterfly Butterfly "Scaredy-Cat"


Citrus Cave (Realm of the Fey)

Rank I (Level 23-25) quests

077 Gold Butterfly Gold Butterfly Karkaton Ascent

Armory (Dark Lord's Castle)

Inner Passage (Dark Lord's Castle)

Level 23-28 Quests

130 Death Butterfly Death Butterfly The Sky Scraper
207 Black Butterfly Black Butterfly 4th District (New Lumos)


Expand to see the full list of Cacti
No. Image Name Location
025 Cactus Stack Cacti Stack Neksdor Desert - West
037 Cactus Ball Cactus Ball Neksdor Desert - North
106 Cactus Cool Cactus Cool Peculia

Underground Labyrinth (Jewel Quest)


Expand to see the full list of Cerberus
No. Image Name Location
080 CerberusOfficialArtwork Cerberus Karkaton Ascent
178 Facerberus Facerberus 1st District (New Lumos)
238 Neoberus "Traveler"berus Quest: Rank X (Level 50)
246 King of Hound King of Hounds 5th District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 5th Floor (US)/4th Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Clouds :
No. Image Name Location
005 Cumulus Cumulus Easin Hills (Greenhorne)
016 Lightningcloud Lightning Cloud Arid Frontier (Greenhorne)
076 PAINclout Paincloud "Teammate" Karkaton AscentPostgame: Rank III (Level 29-31) Quests
126 Healing Cloud Enemy Healing Cloud Sterile Plant (Nimbus)


Expand to see the full list of Cobras
No. Image Name Location
031 Yellow Cobra Yellow Cobra Underground Maze (Neksdor)
039 Blue Cobra Blue Cobra Neksdor Desert - North

Great Pyramid (Neksdor)

040 Purpkesnake "Prickly Husband" Cobra Neksdor Desert - North

Postgame: Rank II (Level 26-28)

Rank VIII (Level 44-46)

085 Silver Cobra Silver Cobra Armory (Karkaton)

Inner Passage (Karkaton)

Dark Lord's Throne (Karkaton)


Expand to see the full list of Crystals
No. Image Name Location
096 Crystal Crystal Tschilly Peak (Powdered Peaks)
130 Purple Crystal Purple Crystal The Sky Scraper
228 Gold crystal Gold Crystal Quest: Rank IX & X (Level 47-50)

Dark Lords[]

Expand to see the full list of Dark Lords
No. Image Name Location
091 Darklordmodern Dark Lord Dark Lord's Throne (Karkaton)
132 Phantom of Evil "Ex-Dark Lord", Phantom of Evil The Sky Scraper
234 Phantom Lord Replica Dark Lord Uncharted Galados

Arid Frontier (Greenhorne) (Youngest Fab Fairy's Level 47 quest) Castle Annex (Karkaton) (Youngest Fab Fairy's Level 50 quest) Boss: Rank IX (Level 47-49) Level 50 Quests

248 Memory of the Dark Lord Dark King 6th District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 6th Floor (US)/7th Floor (EU)

259 259LightLord-removebg-preview Light Lord Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

7th Floor (US)/6th Floor (EU)

249 Evil Sag Evil Sage 7th District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 7th Floor (US)/6th Floor (EU)

260 260LighterLord-removebg-preview Light Sage Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

7th Floor (US)/6th Floor (EU)

152 Mii's Right Hand "Great Sage"'s Left Hand Darker Lord's Domain
153 Mii's Left Hand "Great Sage"'s Right Hand Darker Lord's Domain
155 Mii, the Overlord "Great Sage", The Darkest Lord Darker Lord's Domain
251 Darksun Dark Sun 8th District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) Apex

154 Coin "Teammate" Coin Darker Lord's Domain
250 Medal enemy Medal 8th District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) Apex


Expand to see the full list of Demons
No. Image Name Location
082 PartyMemberDemon "Teammate" Demon Grand Hall (Karkaton)

Postgame: Rank IV (Level 32-34)

117 Fire Demon Fire Demon The Sky Scraper
120 Deadly Demon Deadly Demon Karkaton (Youngest Fab Fairy's level 20 quest)

2nd District (New Lumos)


Expand to see the full list of Dogs
No. Image Name Location
110 Doggie "Traveler" Woof-o'-the-Wisp Eerie Road (Peculia) **Quest**
187 Silver Woof O The Wisp Enemy Silver Woof-o'-the-Wisp 2nd & 3rd District (New Lumos)

Level 29-37 Quests

210 Purple Woof o The Wisp Purple Woof-o'-the-Wisp Uncharted Galados

4th District (New Lumos)

Level 38-43 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Dragons
No. Image Name Location
090 Dragon Dragon

(Possessed Dominic)

Inner Passage (Karkaton)
171 Baby Dragon Baby Dragon Quest: Rank I, II, and III (Level 23-31)
198 Red Dragon Red Dragon Sinister Plant (Nimbus) **Quest**

Uncharted Galados Boss: Rank IV (Level 32-34)

Level 38-43 Quests

245 Dragon Lord HQ Dragon Lord 4th District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 4th Floor (US)/3rd Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Fluffs
No. Image Name Location
050 Pom Pom Realm of the Fey - West
057 Pom Pom Pom Pom Citrus Cave (Realm of the Fey)
062 Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom Realm of the Fey - West
131 Pop Pop The Sky ScraperLevel 23-25 Quests
166 Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Seaside Grotto (Galados Isle)
188 Bloon Loon Loon Enemy Bloon Loon Loon 2nd District (New Lumos)

Level 29-34 Quests

189 Poppy Enemy Poppy 2nd District (New Lumos)

Level 29-37 Quests

208 Pop Poppies Pop Poppy 4th & 5th District (New Lumos)

Level 38-46 Quests

222 Bloon Bloon 6th District (New Lumos)

Level 44-50 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Frogs
No. Image Name Location
070 YoungestFabFairyFrogOfficialArtwork "Youngest Fab Fairy" Frog


Lotus Lake (Realm of the Fey)
145 Red Youngest Fab Fairy Frog Red "Youngest Fab Fairy" Frog The Sky Scraper
193 Mii Salamander "Traveler's Friend" Frog


Midland Marsh (Galados Isle) **Quest**
243 Frog King HQ Frog King 3rd District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 3rd Floor (US)/2nd Floor (EU)

244 Frog Queen HQ Frog Queen 3rd District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 3rd Floor (US)/2nd Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Goblins :
No. Image Name Location
003 03Goblin-removebg-preview Goblin Easin Hills (Greenhorne)
022 022MageGoblin-removebg-preview Mage Goblin Nightmare Tower (Greenhorne)

Karkaton Ascent

030 Red Goblin Red Goblin Underground Maze (Neksdor)
053 Forest goblin Forest Goblin Realm of the Fey - West
121 Mecha Goblin Mecha Goblin Nimbus
148 Space Goblin Space Goblin OtherworldLevel 23-25 Quests
252 252EliteGoblinNoBG Elite Goblin Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

1st Floor (US)/Ground Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Golems
No. Image Name Location
014 King golem "King" Golem Wayward Woods (Greenhorne)

Postgame: Rank X (Level 50)

042 Kind Golem Kind Golem Great Pyramid (Neksdor)

Lotus Lake (Realm of the Fey)

074 BurningPartyMemberGolemOfficialArtwork Burning "Teammate" Golem Karkaton Ascent
135 Strong King Golem Strong "King" Golem The Sky Scraper
200 Red Traveler Golem Red "Traveler" Golem Quest: Rank IV (Level 32-34)
220 Gold Travelers Friend Golem Enemy Gold "Traveler's Friend" Golem Quest: Rank VII (Level 41-43)
253 253HeavyGolemNoBG Heavy Golem Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

2nd Floor (US)/1st Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Gorillas
No. Image Name Location
023 GeneralPrincessOfficialArtwork General "Princess" Nightmare Tower (Greenhorne)
100 Yeti Yeti Ghontu Waste (Powdered Peaks)
136 Gold General Gold General "Princess" The Sky Scraper
182 Troll Troll 1st District (New Lumos)
205 IronGeneral Iron General 5th District (New Lumos)

Boss: Rank V (Level 37)

Level 41-46 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Griffins
No. Image Name Location
018 Griffin Griffin Arid Frontier (Greenhorne)

Neksdor Desert - West

072 Dark Griffin Dark Griffin Karkaton Ascent

Dark Lord's Throne (Karkaton)

098 Snow Griffin Snow Griffin Tschilly Peak (Powdered Peaks)

Level 23-34 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Hammers
No. Image Name Location
109 Ghost Mallet Ghost Mallet Eerie Road (Peculia)
185 Hammer Ghost "Traveler" Hammer Seaside Grotto (Galados Isle) **Quest**
215 Heavy hammer Heavy Hammer 5th & 6th District (New Lumos)


Expand to see the full list of Harpies
No. Image Name Location
173 Harpy Monster Harpy Quest: Rank I (Level 23-28)
221 Black harpy Black Harpy Uncharted Galados

6th District (New Lumos)

Level 44-50 Quests

237 Great harpy Great Harpy 8th District (New Lumos)

Level 50 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Hieroglyphs
No. Image Name Location
026 Lady Mural Lady Mural Wetland Way (Neksdor)
027 Man Mural Man Mural Wetland Way (Neksdor)
032 Leaf Fossil Fossil Underground Maze (Neksdor)
033 Lizard Fossil Lizard Fossil Underground Maze (Neksdor)
034 Hermet Crab Fossil Hermit Crab Fossil Underground Maze (Neksdor)
116 Fossil Ammonite Ammonite Fossil Quest: Level 23-25
179 Foot Fossil Fossil (Foot) 1st District (New Lumos)
213 Fossil Fish Enemy Fossil (Fish) 5th District (New Lumos)

Quest: Level 41-50

044 Hieroglyph Hieroglyph Great Pyramid (Neksdor)
107 Silver Glyph Silver Glyph Peculia
174 Gold Glyph Gold Glyph Quest: Rank I, II, and III (Level 23-31)


Expand to see the full list of Hobgoblins
No. Image Name Location
054 Hobgoblin Hobgoblin Bigg Forest (Realm of the Fey)

Karkaton Ascent


140 Hobgoblin Bully Hobgoblin Bully The Sky Scraper
214 Master Hobgoblin Hobgoblin Mage 5th District (New Lumos)

Level 41-49 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Hoppers
No. Image Name Location
172 Rock Hopper Rock Hopper 1st District (New Lumos)

Quests - Level 23-31 Citrus Cave (Level 50 Quests)

235 Roll hopper Roll Hopper 8th District (New Lumos)

Level 50 Quests

236 Doo-whopper Doo-Whopper 8th District (New Lumos)

Level 50 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Imps
No. Image Name Location
011 150806832119122 (1) Imp "Cheery Granny" Castle View (Greenhorne)

Dark Lord's Castle (Karkaton) (Dark Lord boss fight only)

Postgame: Rank I (Level 25)

Rank VI (Level 40)

Rank X (Level 50)

020 Lilimp Imp Greenhorne Castle

Dark Lord's Castle (Karkaton)

021 Lilishimp Naughty Imp Greenhorne Castle

Dark Lord's Castle (Karkaton)

081 Clever Imp Clever Imp Dark Lord's Castle (Karkaton)
156 Fiend Fiend Bigg Forest (Realm of the Fey) - Chest

Lotus Lake Peculia

Karkaton Ascent

Dark Lord's Castle (Karkaton)

157 Terror Fiend Terror Fiend The Sky Scraper - Chest **Rare**

3rd, 5th & 8th Districts (New Lumos)

Quests - Level 32-34, Level 41-43, Level 50

257 257RedFiendNoBG Red Fiend Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

6th Floor (US)/5th Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Lizardmen
No. Image Name Location
119 Lizardman Lizardman Nimbus


165 Blue Lizardman Blue Lizardman Galados Isle
199 LizardTravelerMan Lizard"traveler"man Quest: Rank IV (Level 32-34)

Rank VIII (Level 44-46) Rank X (Level 50)


Expand to see the full list of Medusae
No. Image Name Location
138 I Medusa Official I, Medusa The Sky Scraper
194 Dark Medusa Dark Medusa 3rd District (New Lumos)

The Sky Scraper (Youngest Fab Fairy's level 26 quest)

Level 32-40 Quests

232 Miideusa "Traveler" Medusa Quest: Rank IX (Level 47-49)


Expand to see the full list of Mice :
No. Image Name Location
008 Lovey dovey woman mouse official artwork "Lovey-Dovey Woman" Mouse


Strange Grove (Greenhorne)

Postgame: Rank II (Level 26-28)

Rank VII (Level 41-43)

Rank X (Level 50)

114 Mouse Mouse True Nightmare Tower (Greenhorne)

⯈ Dubious Mayor's level 17 quest

Bigg Forest (Realm of the Fey)

⯈ Rank II (Level 26-28)

115 Wild Mouse Enemy Wild Mouse True Nightmare Tower (Greenhorne)

⯈ Dubious Mayor's level 17 quest

206 Traveler Mouse "Traveler" Mouse


Random Dungeon: Rank V (Level 35-37)

Mii Traps[]

Expand to see the full list of Mii Traps
No. Image Name Location
019 Marsmiitrap Mars Mii Trap Wayward Woods (Greenhorne)
038 Venusmiitrap Venus Mii Trap Underground Maze (Neksdor)

Neksdor Desert - North

060 Banana Mii Trap Banana Mii Trap Bigg Forest (Realm of the Fey)


Expand to see the full list of Minotaurs
No. Image Name Location
035 Minotaur official artwork switch Minotaur Underground Maze (Neksdor)
073 Blue Minotaur Blue Minotaur Karkaton Ascent

Inner Passage (Karkaton)

Dark Lord's Throne (Karkaton)

Ghontu Waste (Powdered Peaks)

192 Travelerotaur in a Video "Traveler's Friend"otaur Quest: Rank III (Level 29-31)
240 King Cow HQ King Cow 1st District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 1st Floor (US)/Ground Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Moles
No. Image Name Location
012 012Mole-removebg-preview Mole Arid Frontier (Greenhorne)
028 Evil Mole Evil Mole Wetland Way (Neksdor)

Underground Maze (Neksdor)

097 Brave Mole Brave Mole Tschilly Peak (Powdered Peaks)

Level 23-28 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Monitors
No. Image Name Location
181 Retroputer Retroputer 1st District (New Lumos)

Level 26-31 Quests

184 Miiputer official artwork switch "Traveler"puter Quest: Rank II (Level 26-28)

Rank VII (Level 41-43) Rank X (Level 50)

230 Retroputer ii Retroputer II 7th District (New Lumos)

Level 47-50 Quests

241 Calc King HQ Calc King 2nd District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 2nd Floor (US)/1st Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Mummies
No. Image Name Location
043 Mummy Mummy Great Pyramid (Neksdor)
079 Burning Mummy Burning Mummy Karkaton Ascent
201 Moldy Mummy Moldy Mummy 4th District (New Lumos)

Quest - Level 35-43


Expand to see the full list of Mushrooms :
No. Image Name Location
007 Smileshroom Smileshroom Strange Grove (Greenhorne)
058 Lureshroom Lureshroom Bigg Forest (Realm of the Fey)
105 Donnut Touchshroom Donnut Touchshroom PeculiaLevel 23-28 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Noses
No. Image Name Location
102 Runningnose Running Nose Peculia
216 Clever running nose Clever Running Nose Uncharted Galados

5th District (New Lumos)

Level 41-46 Quests

231 Wild running nose Wild Running Nose 7th District (New Lumos)

Level 47-50 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Owls
No. Image Name Location
059 Owlfairy "Eldest Fab Fairy" Owl Bigg Forest (Realm of the Fey)

Postgame: Rank I (Level 23-25) Rank VI (Level 38-40) Rank IX (Level 47-49) Rank X (Level 50)

061 Owlet Owlet Realm of the Fey

Karkaton Ascent

139 Wizened Owl Wizened Owl The Sky ScraperLevel 23-28 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Paintings
No. Image Name Location
041 Hamood "Desert Celebrity"

(Fine Wind, Clear Morning)

Underground Maze (Neksdor)Postgame: Rank VIII (Level 44-46)
046 Dancingguideportrait "Dancing Guide"

(Mona Lisa)

Great Pyramid (Neksdor)

Postgame: Rank V (Level 35-37)

083 Teammatestudy Study of "Teammate"

(Dark Lord)

Grand Hall (Karkaton)
112 Noble Lady "Noble Lady"

(Lady with an Ermine)

Manor Macabre (Peculia)

⯈ Level 19 Bat Charm quest Castle Annex (Karkaton) ⯈ Rank II (Level 26-28)

176 Traveler's Friend Painting "Traveler's Friend"

(Otani Oniji II)

Quest: Rank I (Level 23-25)

Rank X (Level 50)


Expand to see the full list of Penguins
No. Image Name Location
092 Pengy Enemy Pengy Ghontu Waste (Powdered Peaks)
125 Robo Pengy Robo-Pengy Sterile Plant (Nimbus)
223 Punk pengy Punk Pengy 6th & 7th District (New Lumos)

Level 44-50 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Pharaohs
No. Image Name Location
049 PharohGenieOfficialArtwork Pharaoh "Genie" Great Pyramid (Neksdor)
141 Pharaoh Genie II Pharaoh "Genie" II The Sky Scraper
183 Glamorous Pharaoh Glamorous Pharaoh 3rd District (New Lumos)

Boss: Rank II (Level 26-28)

Level 32-37 Quests

254 254NeonPharaohNoBG Neon Pharaoh Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

3rd Floor (US)/2nd Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Puppets
No. Image Name Location
113 Pop-up puppet official artwork switch Pop-Up Puppet Manor Macabre **Quest**
202 Puppetmaster Enemy Puppetmaster Quest: Rank V, VI, and VII (Level 35-43)
226 Puppet Traveler Enemy Puppet "Traveler" Quest: Rank VII (Level 44-46)


Expand to see the full list of Queens
No. Image Name Location
101 Ice Queen Kidnapped Friend Ice Queen "Kidnapped Friend" Ghontu Cave (Powdered Peaks) **Quest**
175 AngryQueen Angry Queen 2nd District (New Lumos)

Karkaton (Youngest Fab Fairy's level 23 quest) Boss: Rank I (Level 23-25) Level 29-37 Quests

219 Switch Wind Queen Wind Queen "Traveler" Quest: Rank VII (Level 41-43)
247 Dark Queen Dark Queen 6th District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 6th Floor (US)/5th Floor (EU)

258 258BlueGoddess-removebg-preview Blue Goddess Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

5th Floor (US)/6th Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Robots
No. Image Name Location
124 Aging Robot Aging Robot Sterile Plant (Nimbus)
128 RoboTravelerOfficialArtwork Robo-"Traveler" Sterile Plant (Nimbus)

Postgame: Rank IX (Level 47-49)

180 Brand-New Robot Brand-New Robot 1st & 2nd District (New Lumos)
218 Ancient robot Ancient Robot Quest: Rank IX & X (Level 47-50)

Nimbus (Youngest Fab Fairy's level 41 quest) Boss: Rank VII (Level 41-43)

242 Ultimate Robot Warrior Ultimate Robot Warrior 2nd District (New Lumos)

Tower of Dread (New Lumos) 2nd Floor (US)/1st Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Rocks :
No. Image Name Location
006 RockbossHQ Rocky "Sarcastic Guy" Easin Hills (Greenhorne)

Postgame: Rank I (Level 23-25) Rank V (Level 35-37) Rank IX (Level 47-49)

015 Noserock Nose Rock Arid Frontier (Greenhorne)
045 Rock Face Rock Face Great Pyramid (Neksdor)
149 Meteorite Meteorite OtherworldLevel 23-25 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Scorpions
No. Image Name Location
024 Scaredy-Scorpion Scaredy-Scorpion Neksdor Desert - West
036 8900326B-2EDD-4BDC-A096-BA889094BE0F Scary Scorpion Neksdor Desert - North
127 Metal Scorpion Metal Scorpion Sterile Plant (Nimbus)


Expand to see the full list of Serpents
No. Image Name Location
129 Orochi Orochi The Sky Scraper
212 Red orochi Red Orochi Uncharted Galados
239 Traveler and orochi "Traveler" & Orochi Quest: Rank X (Level 50)
255 ColossalSerpent Colossal Serpent Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

4th Floor (US)/3rd Floor (EU)


Expand to see the full list of Skulletons
No. Image Name Location
071 Skulleton Skulleton Karkaton Ascent
122 Mecha Skulleton Large Mecha Skulleton Nimbus
229 Devilish skulleton Devilish Skulleton Uncharted Galados

7th & 8th District (New Lumos)

Level 47-50 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Slimes :
No. Name Location
001 001MiniDennySlime-removebg-preview Mini "Sassy Child" Slime Easin Hills (Greenhorne)

Postgame: Rank II (Level 26-28) Rank V (Level 35-37)

010 Apple Jelly Apple Jelly Riverdeep Cavern (Greenhorne)
069 Waterslime "Mischievous Witch" Slime Bigg Forest
075 Magmaslime Magma "Teammate" Slime Karkaton Ascent
095 Peach Jelly Peach Jelly Ghontu Waste (Powdered Peaks)


104 Slorm Slorm Peculia
204 Licorice Slime Licorice Jelly Random Dungeons
Rank VI, V, VI, & VII (Lv. 32 to 43)

Easin Hills (Youngest Fab Fairy's Level 29 quest)


Expand to see the full list of Snails
No. Image Name Location
064 Snail Snail Citrus Cave (Realm of the Fey)
142 Blue Snail Blue Snail The Sky Scraper
167 Lion Snail Lion Snail Seaside Grotto (Galados Isle)

Level 23-25 Quests


Expand to see the full list of Snowmen
093 Snowman Snowman Ghontu Waste (Powdered Peaks)
203 Ice Coolman Ice Coolman Quest: Level 35-40
233 Snow Mii Snow "Traveler's Friend" Quest: Rank IX (Level 47-49)


Expand to see the full list of Snurps
No. Image Name Location
017 Green Snurp Green Snurp Arid Frontier (Greenhorne)

Neksdor Desert - North

Realm of the Fey - West

Lotus Lake (Realm of the Fey)


Otherworld - Hidden Path

099 Water Snurp Water Snurp Tschilly Peak (Powdered Peaks)

Otherworld - Hidden Path

151 Black Snurp Black Snurp "Explorer"'s Quests (Level 41+)

Level 47-50 Traveler Quests 7th & 8th Districts (New Lumos)

158 Gold snurp official artwork Gold Snurp Rare Battle


"Explorer"'s Quests

Otherworld - Hidden Path

159 Rich Snurp Rich Snurp The Sky Scraper **Single Encounter**

Galados Isle **Single Encounter**

"Explorer"'s Quests

160 Rare Snurp Rare Snurp "Explorer"'s Quests

Otherworld - Hidden Path

161 Very Rare Snurp Very Rare Snurp Otherworld - Hidden Path

"Explorer"'s Quests

162 Tasty Snurp Tasty Snurp Rare Battle

"Explorer"'s Quests

Otherworld - Hidden Path

163 Delicious Snurp Delicious Snurp "Explorer"'s Quests
261 261JunevileSnurp-removebg-preview Juvenile Snurp Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

Apex(Main boss at half health)

262 262BossSnurp Boss Snurp Tower of Despair (New Lumos)



Expand to see the full list of Spiders
No. Image Name Location
056 Demon Spider Demon Spider Citrus Cave (Realm of the Fey)
066 Arachofairy Arachno"Middle Fab Fairy" Citrus Cave (Realm of the Fey)

Peculia (Postgame boss) Postgame: Rank II (Level 26-28) Rank VII (Level 41-43)

111 Tarantula Tarantula The Sky Scarper


Expand to see the full list of Spikes
084 Spike Tower Spike Tower Armory (Karkaton)
197 Ice Tower Ice Tower 3rd District (New Lumos)
211 Traveler Tower "Traveler" Tower Quest: Rank VI (Level 38-40)

Swords & Shields[]

Expand to see the full list of Swords & Shields
No. Image Name Location
047 Shadychildblade "Shady Merchant Daughter" Blade Great Pyramid (Neksdor)

Postgame: Rank II (Level 26-28)

048 Shadyfathershield "Shady Merchant Father" Shield Great Pyramid (Neksdor)

Postgame: Rank I (Level 23-25) Rank VI (Level 38-40)

086 SpiritSword Spirit Sword Armory (Karkaton)
087 Spirit Shield Spirit Shield Armory (Karkaton)
146 DoomSword Doom Sword The Sky ScraperKarkaton Ascent (Level 23-25 Quest)
147 Doom Shield Doom Shield The Sky ScraperKarkaton Ascent (Level 23-25 Quest)


Expand to see the full list of Tadpoles
No. Image Name Location
065 Tadman official artwork Tadman Lotus Lake (Realm of the Fey)
144 Fab Fairy Pole "Fab Fairy"pole The Sky Scraper
164 Pufferpole Pufferpole Galados Isle
168 Snapperpole Snapperpole Midland Marsh (Galados Isle)


Expand to see the full list of Tomatoes
052 Mouthy Tomato Mouthy Tomato Realm of the Fey - West
067 Tomatobros Tomato Bros Realm of the Fey - West
227 Traveler's friend tomato "Traveler's Friend" Tomato Quest: Rank VIII (Level 44-46)


Expand to see the full list of Turkeys
No. Image Name Location
051 Twerkey Twerkey Realm of the Fey - West

Lotus Lake (Realm of the Fey)

169 Twergull Twergull Midland Marsh (Galados Isle)
209 Twerpea Twerpea Rank VI & VII Quests (Level 38-43)


Expand to see the full list of UFOs
No. Image Name Location
123 Friend from nimbus ufo official artwork "Friend from Nimbus" UFO

Postgame: Rank III (Level 29-31)

Rank V (Level 35-37)

Rank X (Level 50)

224 Giant UFO Giant UFO


Expand to see the full list of Winds
No. Image Name Location
063 Spring Breeze Spring Breeze Lotus Lake (Realm of the Fey)
089 Flaming wind Flaming Wind Inner Passage (Karkaton)

Dark Lord's Throne (Karkaton)

177 Mii Wind "Traveler" Wind Tschilly Peak (Powdered Peaks) **Quest**

Rank III (Level 29-31) Rank X (Level 50)
