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This page uses data from the Miitopia Param Info spreadsheet, compiled by PibPasquale, Kobazco, and UglyFrenchFry.

This article is about the job in Miitopia. You may be looking for the enemy or the boss.

Miitopia Job - Imp

Official Miitopia for Nintendo 3DS Imp. She's known as Marie.

Imp job

Official Miitopia for Nintendo Switch Imp. She's known as Red.

Job description

Ever the cause of mischief and mayhem, but cute enough to get away with it. - English (NTSC)
Ever the cause of mischief and mayhem, but cute enough to get off scot-free. - English (PAL)
ちょいワルの かわいいアクマ いたずらされても 許せちゃう? - Japanese

Imp description


【Miitopia】 - Imp Play Demo

The Imp (Japanese: こあくま Koakuma; Little Devil) is a Job in Miitopia that focuses on magic damage and tampering with enemies.

Their weapon of choice is the Spear.

Their clothing is called Costumes.

The Imp can do serious damage and can not only steal HP and MP from enemies, but also lower their defenses. The Imp can also recover teammates' MP and put a positive status effect on them. Due to their skills, they do best with other party members who deal mostly physical damage, such as Warriors.

The Imp's default attack is single target only.


Lv. 1 Lv. 50 Lv. 50, best equipment,

& max food buffs

HP 12 297 396
MP 5 88 187
Attack 5 58 300
Magic 7 180 472
Defense 6 91 394
Speed 5 54 153


Skill Learned MP Cost Description Base power Magic multiplier Activation chance (AI) Extra Notes
Naughty Pitchfork Lv. 2 4 "Skewer an enemy with a fork formed of darkness. (magic)" 8 0.3 60%
Butt Jab (US)/ Bum Jab (EU) Lv. 3 3 "Gently prod a friend and get them to attack an enemy in your place." - - 30% The targeted ally's attack does 1.3x more damage than normal.
Sweet Whispers Lv. 6 7 "Tell an enemy a little white lie to distract it." - - 50% Distracted enemies take 1.5x more damage.
Brain Drain Lv. 10 0 "Draw mental energy from an enemy and transform it into MP." 8 0.1 50% The power of the absorption is dependent on the enemy's Magic rather than the user's.
Energy Drain Lv. 11 12 "Drain an enemy's life energy and transform it into HP. (magic)" 20 0.15 30%
Charm Lv. 15 10 "Tinker with a friend's emotions and rouse them to action." 3 0.1 70% Restores some of an ally's MP and makes them excited. Excited teammates can only use the default attack, but it does more damage. It might not work on Stubborn Miis if they activate their Bluff quirk.
Punishing Pitchfork Lv. 18 12 "Skewer an enemy plus the two next to it with forks of darkness. (magic)" 25 0.4 60%
Demonic Whisper Lv. 23 20 "Try to drag enemies into the depths. If you're lucky, they'll simply vanish." - - 20% Attempts to instantly defeat every enemy. The success rate is 20%, and it does not work on bosses.
Wicked Pitchforks Lv. 31 35 "Skewer all enemies with forks of darkness. (magic)" 20 0.12 60% Hits random enemies 6 times.


Mii quotes

  • "*cackle*" (US) / "(Cackle)" (EU) (Before using Naughty/Punishing Pitchfork or Wicked Pitchforks skills)
  • "Eh?" (US) / "Hup!" (EU) (Naughty/Punishing Pitchfork, Wicked Pitchforks skills)
  • "Haha!" (US) / "Nyuk nyuk!" (EU) (Before using Butt Jab skill)
  • "Ready..." (Using Butt Jab skill)
  • "Boo! You!" (US) / "Ack! You!" (EU) (Teammate's reaction after using Butt Jab skill)
  • "Boo! You guys!" (US) / "Ack! You lot!" (EU) (Teammate's reaction after using Butt Jab skill, hitting multiple enemies)
  • "Boo! You again!" (US) / "Ack! You again!" (EU) (Teammate's reaction after using Butt Jab skill, hitting the same enemy again)
  • "Tee hee..." (Sweet Whispers skill)
  • "Wahoo!" (US) / "Wahey!" (EU) (Brain Drain skill)
  • "Whew..." (US) / "Sweet!" (EU) (Energy Drain skill)
  • "Ahaha..." (US) / "Tee hee hee..." (EU) (Charm skill)
  • "Won't hurt a bit!" (US) / "C'mon, won't hurt!" (EU) (Before using Horse Whispering)
  • "Pokey poke!" (US) / "Hyargh!" (EU) (Using Horse Whispering)
  • "That smarts!" (US) / "Ouch!" (EU) (After using Horse Whispering)

Flavor text

  • "Poking [Mii]'s bottom!" (Using Butt Jab skill)
  • "[Enemy]'s guard is down." (Sweet Whispers skill)
  • "Draining [enemy]'s MP!" (Brain Drain skill)
  • "Draining [enemy]'s HP!" (Energy Drain skill)
  • "Tickling [Mii]'s heart!" (US) / "Toying with [Mii]'s heart!" (EU) (Charm skill)
  • "Excited!" (US) / "He's/She's bewitched!" (EU) (Charm skill)
  • "No friends to poke" (Hero Mii's menu when attempting to use Butt Jab and the hero is alone)
  • "No friends to tempt" (Hero Mii's menu when attempting to use Charm and the hero is alone)


  • Attacks & Skills
    • In the European English version, this job's Butt Jab skill is referred to as "Bum Jab", presumably because "bum" is a more common slang word than "butt" in the UK.
    • The Imp, along with the Mage and the Vampire are the only classes to not cause a relationship boost or resentment towards another teammate through battle.
    • Whenever an Imp uses Butt Jab on an ally, if the ally has a single-target attack, they'll say "You!"
      • This will also happen if the ally has a job whose standard attack hits all enemies (i.e. Thief or Pop Star) and there is only one enemy remaining, but if the ally's attack hits all enemies and there are multiple enemies remaining, the dialogue is changed to "You guys!"
      • If the Imp gets to use Butt Jab on the same ally targeting the same enemy (either by Stubborn's Again quirk or any other means), the dialogue is changed to "You again!"
    • Similar to Pop Stars, Imps have different dialogue/poses for each skill they use:
      • If the Imp floats and says "*cackle*," they are about to use Naughty Pitchfork, Punishing Pitchfork, or Wicked Pitchforks.
      • If the Imp wiggles their hips and says "Haha!" they are about to use Butt Jab.
      • If the Imp spreads their arms without any dialogue, they will either use Brain Drain, Energy Drain, or Demonic Whisper.
      • If the Imp floats and says "Tee hee..." they are about to use Sweet Whispers.
      • If the Imp floats and says "Ahaha..." they are about to use Charm.
    • The Imp's Horse Whispering skill is the only kind of Horse Whispering to inflict recoil damage.
      • The Imp's Horse Whispering and Energetic Miis' Charge are the only skills to inflict recoil damage.
  • Promotional Material
    • In promotional Material from Nintendo of Europe, the Mii used for the Imp's official artwork is given the name "Sis" from NOE's Adventure awaits your Tomodachi Life friends video, although no further description is given. Given, however, that the Mii used for the Mage's official artwork is the main character of the video, it could describe the idea of importing your sibling.
      • On the Official Website for NOE, however, she is alternatively given the name "Marie", and is depicted as having the Airheaded personality from her voice and gestures. This can describe the idea of importing your sister.
      • This same Mii is also used as the default Mii for the Shady Merchant Daughter in the Switch Version, although renamed to “Cyn” and given a darker skin tone.


Main Article: Imp (Job)/Gallery

