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This page uses data from the Miitopia Param Info spreadsheet, compiled by PibPasquale, Kobazco, and UglyFrenchFry.

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This article contains major in-game spoilers.

The Boss Snurp (Japanese: ボス王ピョン Bosu-ō Pyon - Boss King Pyon) is one of the monsters that can be found in the Tower of Despair, a location introduced in the Nintendo Switch version of Miitopia. It is the final boss of Miitopia as a whole.


The Boss Snurp is a gigantic Snurp with purple and blue glossy, glitter-like fur. The fur changes color depending on the color of the hexagons in the background. It also sports five rainbow feathers in a crown shape, distinguishing it from the rest of its kind and giving a carnival mask appearance. A pair of Mii eyes is what ends up on this monster.


Action name Description Chance to use Hit rate
Last Snurp Contains all three phases of the Boss Snurp as well as its associated skills listed below. - -
Wide Attack Inflicts damage to one party member and other party members adjacent to him/her. The main target takes the most damage. 100% 100%
Summon Summons two Juvenile Snurps once at half HP, and always uses if those two Snurps are defeated. 100% -
Random All Inflicts a status effect on every party member. The statuses can be either Nightmare, Aging, Excite, Stone, or Cry. This move is only used in its third phase. ?% 100%
One more time! (auto) This boss performs two actions per turn. It performs three once at 5000 (1/3) HP. - -

Enemy statistics[]

Boss Snurp
Image HP Attack Defense Magic Speed Locations Encountered
15000 350 158 158 121 Tower of Despair Apex


  • At 15,000 HP, the Boss Snurp has the highest HP value among all monsters, even beating the Dark Sun's, which was the highest in the original version. This boss has three phases, the most of any boss, beating the Darkest Lord and Dark Sun having two phases.
  • These phases are indicated by Boss Snurp becoming angry, and in the third phase, changing its eyes to the ones similar to Fiend's, Terror Fiend's, and Red Fiend's eyes. Its eyes may change before it actually enters next phase if the effect of the move such as Imp's Sweet Whisper has run out simultaneously.
  • Like the Dark Lord, Darkest Lord, and Dark Sun, the Boss Snurp also has an extended death animation, but it is by far the only one with a notably different sound when the boss is relieved of its Mii parts.
  • The Boss Snurp has a different summoning animation than other monsters that can summon allies. Instead of the summoned allies appearing on their own, its Juvenile Snurps appear from purple smoke coming from the Boss Snurp. Because of this, its Juvenile Snurps do not have an entrance animation when viewed in the Journal.
  • The Boss Snurp's "RandomAll" skill was actually present in the Nintendo 3DS version as an unused skill (alongside seven others, documented on The Cutting Room Floor). In that version, this skill is the only one among the other unused ones to not work properly when hacked in as is.


Main Article: Boss Snurp/Gallery

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Japanese ボス王ピョン
Bosu-ō Pyon
From ボス boss, 王 ō (king), and ピョン pyon, an onomatopoeia for bouncing.
French Roi boïng From roi (king) and boïng, an onomatopoeia for bouncing.
German Bossploing From boss and ploing, an onomatopoeia for bouncing.
Italian Burletto boss
Spanish Ñopi jefe Boss "Little thing" (as in creature)
Korean 왕 스너프
Wang Snurp
왕 means king. "스너프" is the pronunciation of Snurp written in Korean.
Dutch Baasboing From baas (boss) and boing, an onomatopoeia for bouncing.
Chinese 王者跳跳
Wángzhě tiào tiào
From 王者 wángzhě (king) and 跳 tiào (jump, bounce, hop).

See also[]

Expand to see the full list of Snurps
No. Image Name Location
017 Green Snurp Green Snurp Arid Frontier (Greenhorne)

Neksdor Desert - North

Realm of the Fey - West

Lotus Lake (Realm of the Fey)


Otherworld - Hidden Path

099 Water Snurp Water Snurp Tschilly Peak (Powdered Peaks)

Otherworld - Hidden Path

151 Black Snurp Black Snurp Greenhorne **Quest**

Realm of the Fey **Quest**

Powdered Peaks **Quest**

Peculia **Quest**

7th & 8th Districts (New Lumos)

158 Gold snurp official artwork Gold Snurp Rare Battle

Peculia "Explorer"'s Quests

Otherworld - Hidden Path

159 Rich Snurp Rich Snurp The Sky Scraper **Single Encounter**

Galados Isle **Single Encounter**

"Explorer"'s Quests

160 Rare Snurp Rare Snurp "Explorer"'s Quests

Otherworld - Hidden Path

161 Very Rare Snurp Very Rare Snurp Otherworld - Hidden Path

"Explorer"'s Quests

162 Tasty Snurp Tasty Snurp Rare Battle

"Explorer"'s Quests

Otherworld - Hidden Path

163 Delicious Snurp Delicious Snurp "Explorer"'s Quests
261 261JunevileSnurp-removebg-preview Juvenile Snurp Tower of Despair (New Lumos)

Apex(Main boss at half health)

262 262BossSnurp Boss Snurp Tower of Despair (New Lumos)



Rock Moth - Goblin - Cumulus - Smileshroom - Banshee - Apple Jelly - Mole - Poison Moth - Mars Mii Trap - Green Snurp - Lightning Cloud - Nose Rock - Imp - Naughty Imp - Mage Goblin - Mouse


Mini "Sassy Child" Slime - Butterfly "Carefree Guide" - Rocky "Sarcastic Guy" - "Lovey-Dovey Woman" Mouse - Imp "Cheery Granny" - "King" Golem - Griffin - General "Princess" - Wild Mouse


Scaredy Scorpion - Scary Scorpion - Cacti Stack - Griffin - Goblin - Lady Mural - Cumulus - Cactus Ball - Evil Mole - Green Snurp - Jade Butterfly - Venus Mii Trap - Blue Cobra - Man Mural - Yellow Cobra - Red Goblin - Fossil - Lizard Fossil - Hermit Crab Fossil - Mummy - Hieroglyph - Rock Face


Minotaur - Kind Golem - "Prickly Husband" Cobra - "Desert Celebrity" - "Dancing Guide" - "Shady Merchant Daughter" Blade - "Shady Merchant Father" Shield - Pharaoh "Genie"

Realm of the Fey

Pom - Pom Pom - Pom Pom Pom - Twerkey - Mouthy Tomato - Forest Goblin - Green Snurp - Owlet - Spring Breeze - Snail - Apple Jelly - Lureshroom - Demon Spider - Hobgoblin - Bansheevil - Banana Mii Trap - Kind Golem - Tadman - Fiend - Water Snurp - Black Snurp - Gold Snurp - Rare Snurp - Tasty Snurp


Arachno"Middle Fab Fairy" - "Eldest Fab Fairy" Owl - Tomato Bros - Butterfly "Scaredy Cat" - "Mischievous Witch" Slime - "Youngest Fab Fairy" Frog - Delicious Snurp - Rich Snurp - Very Rare Snurp


Skulleton - Mage Goblin - Lightning Cloud - Mole - Owlet - Dark Griffin - Fiend - Hobgoblin - Bomb - Burning Mummy - Spring Breeze - Imp - Naughty Imp - Clever Imp - Gold Butterfly - Bansheevil - Silver Cobra - Spike Tower - Flaming Wind - Blue Minotaur


Magma "Teammate" Slime - Paincloud "Teammate" - Burning "Teammate" Golem - Cerberus - "Teammate" Demon - Study of "Teammate" - "Teammate" Armor - Dragon - Dark Lord

Powdered Peaks

Pengy - Clever Imp - Snowman - Blue Minotaur - Ice Maiden - Peach Jelly - Water Snurp - Brave Mole - Snow Griffin - Crystal


Yeti - Ice Queen "Traveler's Friend"


Running Nose - Bread - Slorm - Donnut Touchshroom - Peach Jelly - Green Snurp - Fiend - Cactus Cool - Silver Glyph - Lizardman - Cursed Armor - Rare Snurp - Gold Snurp - Twerpea - Ghost Mallet - "Noble Lady" - Skulleton


Hamburger - "Traveler" Woof-o'-the-Wisp - Pop-up Puppet


Mecha Goblin - Mecha Skulleton - Lizardman - Aging Robot - Robo-Pengy - Healing Cloud - Metal Scorpion


"Friend from Nimbus" UFO - Robo "Traveler"

The Sky Scraper

Orochi - Fire Demon - Crystal - Purple Crystal - UFO - Banshee Brainbox - Pop - Death Butterfly - I, Medusa - Wizened Owl - Hobgoblin Bully - Blue Snail - Dangerous Bomb - Tarantula - Doom Shield - Doom Sword - Rich Snurp - Terror Fiend


"Ex-Dark Lord", Phantom of Evil - Strong "King" Golem - Gold General "Princess" - Pharaoh "Genie" II - "Fab Fairy"pole - Red "Youngest Fab Fairy" Frog


Space Goblin - Meteorite - Alien - Green Snurp - Water Snurp - Tasty Snurp - Gold Snurp - Rare Snurp - Very Rare Snurp


"Teammate" Coin - The Darker Lord

Galados Isle

Pufferpole - Blue Lizardman - Snapperpole - Twergull - Lion Snail - Pop Pop Pop - Rich Snurp - Clever Running Nose - Giant UFO - Purple Woof-o'-the-Wisp - Black Harpy - Ham Sandwich - Devilish Skulleton


Red Dragon - Red Orochi - Replica Dark Lord

New Lumos

Fossil (Foot) - Brand-New Robot - Troll - Rock Hopper - Retroputer - Facerberus - Poppy - Silver Woof-o'-the-Wisp - Ice Tower - Super Alien - Deadly Demon - Bloon Loon Loon - Angry Queen - Water Snurp - Very Dangerous Bomb - Dark Medusa - Calamitous Armor - Glamorous Pharaoh - Terror Fiend - Black Butterfly - Pop Poppy - Purple Woof-o'-the-Wisp - Moldy Mummy - Hamburger Surprise - Hobgoblin Mage - Heavy Hammer - Iron General - Ham Sandwich - Clever Running Nose - Fossil (Fish) - Black Harpy - Bloon - Punk Pengy - Retroputer II - Black Snurp - Wild Running Nose - Devilish Skulleton - Great Harpy - Roll Hopper - Doo-Whopper


King Cow - Calc King - Ultimate Robot Warrior - Frog King - Frog Queen - Dragon Lord - King of Hounds - Dark King - Dark Queen - Evil Sage - Medal - Dark Sun - Elite Goblin - Heavy Golem - Neon Pharaoh - Colossal Serpent - Gourmet Burger - Red Fiend - Blue Goddess - Light Lord - Light Sage - Juvenile Snurp - Boss Snurp
