Bigg Forest (Japanese: 大樹の森 Taiju no Mori; Big Tree Forest) is a gigantic forest in the eastern parts of the Realm of the Fey.
Its deepest part is initially sealed by a door, which is opened using a Puzzling Tablet.
Here, the enemy holding the Eldest Fab Fairy's face, the "Eldest Fab Fairy" Owl, is found. A path is later created here which acts as a shortcut to the Lotus Lake.
- Rescue the Eldest Fab Fairy.
- Hobgoblin
- Bansheevil
- Banana Mii Trap
- Owlet (non-chest events only)
- Lureshroom (revisiting boss stage only)
- Demon Spider (revisiting boss stage only)
- Kind Golem (revisiting boss stage only)
- Fiend (big chest path only)
- "Eldest Fab Fairy" Owl (boss)
- "Mischievous Witch" Slime (boss)
- Spring Breeze (Outings only)
- Water Snurp (Outings only)
Travelers' Hub quest only[]
Level 26-28 quests[]
- Donnut Touchshroom
- Fossil (Foot)
- Mouse
- Troll
- "Traveler"puter + 2 Brand-New Robots (possible boss)
- Glamorous Pharaoh (possible boss)
- Arachno"traveler's friend" + 2 Trolls (possible boss)
- "Traveler's Friend" Cobra + 2 Fossils (possible boss)
- "Traveler" Slime + 2 Retroputers (possible boss)
- "Traveler" Blade + 2 Doom Shields (possible boss)
- "Traveler" Mouse + 3 Mice (possible boss)
Level 35-37 quests[]
- Poppy
- Very Dangerous Bomb
- Hamburger Surprise
- Calamitous Armor
- Iron General (possible boss)
- "Traveler" + 2 Puppetmasters (possible boss)
- "Traveler's Friend" Slime + 4 Licorice Jellies (possible boss)
- "Traveler" Mouse + 2 Ice Coolmen (possible boss)
- Rocky "Traveler's Friend" + 2 Moldy Mummies (possible boss)
- "Traveler" UFO + 2 Hamburger Surprises (possible boss)
Level 44-46 quests[]
- Bloon
- Pop Poppy
- Black Harpy
- Iron General
- Ham Sandwich
- "Traveler's Friend" Tomato + 2 Black Harpies (possible boss)
- Puppet "Traveler" + 2 Heavy Hammers (possible boss)
- "Traveler's Friend" Cobra + Red Orochi (possible boss)
- Lizard"traveler"man + 2 Punk Pengies (possible boss)
- "Traveler’s Friend" + Giant UFO (possible boss)
- Extra Spicy Burger + 2 Ham Sandwiches (possible boss)
Level 50 quests[]
- Black Snurp
- Ancient Robot
- Ham Sandwich
- Extra Spicy Burger
- "Traveler"berus + 2 Great Harpies (possible boss)
- "Traveler" Golem + 2 Ancient Robots (possible boss)
- "Traveler" & Orochi + 4 Black Snurps (possible boss)
- "Traveler's Friend" Wind + Roll Hopper + Doo-Whopper (possible boss)
- "Traveler's Friend" Bread + Extra Spicy Burger (possible boss)
- "Traveler" UFO + 2 Ancient Robots (possible boss)
- Lizard"traveler's friend"man + 2 Doo-Whoppers (possible boss)
- "Traveler's Friend" + Replica Dark Lord (possible boss)
- "Traveler's Friend" Mouse + 2 Devilish Skulletons (possible boss)
- "Traveler" Owl + 2 Great Harpies (possible boss)
- "Traveler"puter + 2 Doo-Whoppers (possible boss)
- Imp "Traveler's Friend" + Replica Dark Lord (possible boss)
Worried Explorer quests[]
- Green Snurp
- Water Snurp
- Black Snurp (Levels 41-50)
- Gold Snurp (on the map)
- Rare Snurp (on the map)
- Tasty Snurp (on the map)
- Very Rare Snurp (on the map)
- Delicious Snurp (on the map)
- Rich Snurp (boss; on the map)
- Pop (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Lion Snail (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Blue Lizardman (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Twergull (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Baby Dragon (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Peach Jelly (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Ammonite Fossil (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Fire Demon (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Gold Glyph (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Rock Hopper (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Doom Shield (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Doom Sword (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Gold Butterfly (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Harpy (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Meteorite (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Space Goblin (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Orochi (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- UFO (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Ice Maiden (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Brave Mole (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Facerberus (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Alien (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Wizened Owl (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Donnut Touchshroom (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25)
- Fossil (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25, 32-34)
- Snow Griffin (non-chest events only: Levels 23-25, 32-34)
- Super Alien (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Dark Medusa (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Brand-New Robot (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Bloon Loon Loon (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Angry Queen (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Ice Tower (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Glamorous Pharaoh (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Silver Woof-o'-the-Wisp (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Deadly Demon (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34)
- Poppy (non-chest events only: Levels 32-37)
- Licorice Jelly (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34, 38-40)
- Dark Medusa (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34, 38-40)
- Calamitous Armor (non-chest events only: Levels 32-40)
- Very Dangerous Bomb (non-chest events only: Levels 32-40)
- Terror Fiend (non-chest events only: Levels 32-34, 41-43)
- Hamburger Surprise (non-chest events only: Levels 35-43)
- Ice Coolman (non-chest events only: Levels 38-40)
- Moldy Mummy (non-chest events only: Levels 38-43)
- Puppetmaster (non-chest events only: Levels 38-43)
- Red Dragon (non-chest events only: Levels 38-43)
- Black Butterfly (non-chest events only: Levels 38-43)
- Purple Woof-o'-the-Wisp (non-chest events only: Levels 38-43)
- Twerpea (non-chest events only: Levels 38-43)
- Pop Poppy (non-chest events only: Levels 38-46)
- Clever Running Nose (non-chest events only: Levels 41-43)
- Iron General (non-chest events only: Levels 41-46)
- Hobgoblin Mage (non-chest events only: Levels 41-43, 47-49)
- Heavy Hammer (non-chest events only: Levels 41-43, 47-49)
- Fossil (non-chest events only: Levels 41-43, 47-49)
- Ham Sandwich (non-chest events only: Levels 41-46, 50)
- Bloon (non-chest events only: Levels 44-49)
- Black Harpy (non-chest events only: Levels 44-49)
- Giant UFO (non-chest events only: Levels 47-49)
- Wild Running Nose (non-chest events only: Levels 47-49)
- Punk Pengy (non-chest events only: Levels 47-49)
- Gold Crystal (non-chest events only: Levels 47-49)
- Devilish Skulleton (non-chest events only: Levels 47-49)
- Red Orochi (non-chest events only: Levels 47-49)
- Retroputer II (non-chest events only: Levels 47-49)
- Ancient Robot (non-chest events only: Levels 47-50)
- Extra Spicy Burger (non-chest events only: Level 50)
Areas around Bigg Forest[]
- Lotus Lake (north)
- Elven Retreat (north-west)
- Realm of the Fey (west, north)
- Karkaton Ascent (east)
Main Article: Bigg Forest/Gallery
List of Locations in Realm of the Fey | ||||